According to FBI crime reports, Nevada ranked number 6 on the list of states with the most home burglaries per 100,000 residents in 2017. While there are numerous ways to help prevent home burglary to protect your family and personal belongings, one important way is to use social media accounts very cautiously. After all, 78% of home burglars have used social media to enable their home invasions.
Thankfully, you don't have to stop using social media altogether to keep your home and family safe. Instead, follow these four tips for enjoying your social media accounts without making your home more likely to be burglarized at the same time.
Only Accept Friend and Follow Requests from People You Know
You may have gotten used to accepting every social media friend and follow request sent to you, even if you don't recognize the names and/or faces of the people sending these requests.
However, realize that not every request could be sent with good intentions. In fact, one could be a home intruder looking to gain more information about you and your home they can use to their advantage. This information can include when your family is likely to be away from home, what expensive items you have inside your home, and other information, such as the layout of your home.
Stay on the safe side and vet every new social media "friend" or "follower" well before you allow them access to your private information and photos.
Don't Announce When You Leave Home
Even if you vet your social media friends and followers well, you never know if an old friend or acquaintance is as trustworthy as you may remember them. For that reason, don't post an announcement on your social media profiles every time you leave home.
A home burglar can use those announcements to decide when it is the best time to strike. In addition, while most home burglars attempt to get in and out of a home in a quick 10 minutes to avoid detection, a home intruder who suspects you will be away from home for a long period of time may spend more time in your home stealing even more items.
Post Vacation and Event Photos After You Get Home
It can be exciting to post photos right after you take them while you are on vacation or attending big events away from home. However, this habit can be put your home security at risk. When potential home burglars spot a vacation photo on your social media profile, they then know your home is unoccupied and easier to get in and out of undetected by your family.
Instead, post vacation and event photos after you return home. Not only will this help keep your home safe from intruders while away, but it can also give you a much-needed vacation from social media that everyone needs in this day and age.
Check an Event's Privacy Status Before Responding to an Online Invite
Some social media platforms allow users to send event invites through the platform and have those invited RSVP right on the social media website. While all social media websites vary, some allow this information to be accessible to the general public.
If a potential home invader sees that you are scheduled to attend an event during a specific day and time, they will then know when your home may be empty and easier to burglarize.
Respond to online social media event invitations with caution. When in doubt, don't RSVP publicly, but instead send a personal message to the event holder or contact them in person to confirm whether you will be attending the event or not.
Keep these tips in mind when utilizing social media to help protect your home and family from home intruders. Contact the staff at All Pro Security for more suggestions on how to keep your home safe and secure in today's digital age.